Reflective Activities
The goal of reflective activities is to give you an opportunity to apply learnings to your project.
“The unexamined life is not worth living” — Socrates
Analyze a FOSS Project
Individual ActivityFind a FOSS project on GitHub or another publicly available repository, ideally of some relevance to your project, analyze what the maintainers have put in place to manage and organize the project (processes, etc.), and write a summary of what you learned that could or should be applied to your project. Include specifics. Share it with your team.
Read ACM Queue Articles
Individual ActivityFind an ACM Queue Article of some relevance to your project, read it, and write a summary of what you learned that could or should be applied to your project. Include specifics. Share it with your team.
Read a Book
Individual ActivityFind a good book on software engineering, read it, and write a summary of what you learned that could or should be applied to your project. Include specifics. Share it with your team.
Here are some ideas:
- ⭐️ Software Engineering at Google
- The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win
- The Mythical Man Month
Watch ACM Tech Talks
Individual ActivityFind an ACM Tech Talk of some relevance to your project, watch it, and write a summary of what you learned that could or should be applied to your project. Include specifics. Share it with your team.
Watch a Documentary
Individual Activity Team ActivityWatch a documentary film related to your project. Each team member writes a paragraph about a different aspect of the film that is relevant to the project.
Here are some ideas:
- The Social Dilemma
- Design Disruptors
- The Great Hack
- AlphaGo
- Inside Envoy: The Proxy of the Future
- Prometheus: The Documentary
- How A Small Team of Developers Created React at Facebook | React.js: The Documentary
Listen to a Podcast
Individual ActivityFind a podcast episode of some relevance to your project, listen to it, and write a summary of what you learned that could or should be applied to your project. Include specifics. Share it with your team.
Here are some ideas:
- The Pragmatic Engineer Podcast
- Darknet Diaries
- Open Source Security Podcast
- Acquired
- The Futur Podcast
External Feedback Session
Individual ActivityFind someone that has relevant expertise to review your project. It can be a technical person or a knowledge domain expert. The person should have little knowledge of your project.
Present the relevant parts of your project to them and collect their feedback. Write a summary of what you learned that could or should be applied to your project. Include specifics. Share it with your team.
Learning Journal
Individual ActivityA learning journal is a personal record where you reflect on your learning experiences, capturing insights, challenges, and progress over time. It’s all about metacognition (thinking about thinking).
- Write weekly reflections on what you learned, challenges faced, and how you overcame them.
- Relate new knowledge to past experiences.
- Evaluate your skills and identify areas for improvement.